In order to align a project with the new European requirements, it is essential that it takes into account, from the early stages, all environmental and climate-related requirements. In this regard, special attention must be given to climate change resilience. Climate change resilience is a process that integrates measures for both mitigating and adapting to climate change in the development of various types of projects.
This type of analysis enables institutional and private investors to make informed decisions regarding projects deemed compatible with the Paris Agreement. The process of climate change assessment and management analysis comprises two pillars (mitigation, adaptation) and two stages (screening, detailed analysis).

The objectives to be achieved within the Climate Change Assessment and Management Study (CCAMS) are as follows:
- Identification of the main components of the project
- Identification of the reference climatic variables for the project
- Analysis of climate variables
- Assessing vulnerability through sensitivity and exposure analysis
- Risk assessment through probability and severity analysis (if applicable)
- Identification, proposal, and quantification of adaptation measures
It is important for climate change resilience practices and processes to be specifically and credibly documented by accredited and experienced experts in the field, particularly since documenting and verifying climate change resilience is an essential part of justifying decisions regarding sustainable investments.